It's been a patchwork summer here at Colvin Family Farm...Look for the mention of YOUR SQUARE in our quilt!
It's the last weekend of summer and as I look back over the summer at our "family farm quilt" there are many times where God placed a "quilt block" of a beautiful light fabric next to a dark block of fabric no one would ever choose to wear.
The dreary patterns in our "quilt" are the faith stretching squares. I had a fall late in April that has hampered me ever since. God is doing a great work in my life...those bright patches of calico...and I am slowly healing.
The undesirable dark swatches of fabric that intermingle often in "our quilt" this summer are stitched with love by a loving God who knows just how to teach the important lessons I (we) need to become more like Him each day. These dark squares give dimension to the lighter squares...each a blessing to our family in some way.
In our "quilt" there are floral squares carefully
chosen to represent the bouquets of flowers the children have picked and brought to my bedside. There are also squares with bright posies sent home from the farmer's markets by some caring vendor to bring the outdoors inside for me. Scattered throughout the quilt they are a reoccurring theme to me of the care of others God prompts to brighten my days.
Scattered in and out of the varied blocks there is
a consistent pattern of lively purple squares that reminds me of a sister's love. Jeannie has been my link with the outside world...a daily check-in via an encouraging text...and a late night sounding board where I could voice my deep fears. She brought a Christian "reality check" to my heart when my mind was in a fog for months after the accident. Then weekly she is here to step in where needed...packing shares, giving haircuts to the boys, or washing dishes. What a beautiful pattern for our "quilt".
Next to the dark patch there lies a square of delight
as Adam and Allison vowed to begin their lives together. The brightness of their future casts a sense of expectancy about our summer "quilt". May the beauty of their squares repeat themselves over and over again as they submit to God's will for their lives!
Running alongside Adam's joy there are squares that reflect answered prayers...for my strength and well-being, enough shareholders at the beginning of the season, the farm's ability to begin paying the boys, and especially in my eyes for the Lord's will to be revealed for Caleb.
Caleb heard the Lord's direction for his wife over
three years ago. Through praying and waiting for God's timing, Caleb was fashioned into a patient, loving young man fit for the woman of God's choosing. Shelby is the bright block of calico adjacent to the darker blocks of uncertainty. May the stitching of the blocks in their section of our "family quilt" be of heirloom value.
There's a continual pattern in "our quilt" that begins in light pastels of family friendship and grows with
time to bright, vivid hues of expectancy as God's will was revealed. These pieces to our quilt represent Isaac and Destany's courtship. The knitting of our two families together has added a loving dimension to our quilt that only God could create. May their carefully stitched pattern of time create a "quilt block" of blessing for them and all who love them.
three years ago. Through praying and waiting for God's timing, Caleb was fashioned into a patient, loving young man fit for the woman of God's choosing. Shelby is the bright block of calico adjacent to the darker blocks of uncertainty. May the stitching of the blocks in their section of our "family quilt" be of heirloom value.
There's a continual pattern in "our quilt" that begins in light pastels of family friendship and grows with
time to bright, vivid hues of expectancy as God's will was revealed. These pieces to our quilt represent Isaac and Destany's courtship. The knitting of our two families together has added a loving dimension to our quilt that only God could create. May their carefully stitched pattern of time create a "quilt block" of blessing for them and all who love them.

Every quilt has it's contrasts, but our summer quilt has a steady pattern of a bright yellow representing our steady supporter and shareholder Dr. Bill Grey, of Grey Chiropractic in Crossville. Bill has bartered shares for our family care, not knowing the steady visits I would make to his office over the past four months. His bright squares of hope are a steady encouragement to wait on complete healing in God's time.
There is a patchwork section that
runs consecutively throughout the quilt that is ebony, then ivory that reminds me of the friendship proved out in helpfulness of a precious "twin sister" Cerina. She has come weekly to help me feel productive (under supervision) canning and freezing the bounty of the harvests. God knew this was important for's part of who I am. He has given me hope each week as I worked to do more with the help of a friend.
runs consecutively throughout the quilt that is ebony, then ivory that reminds me of the friendship proved out in helpfulness of a precious "twin sister" Cerina. She has come weekly to help me feel productive (under supervision) canning and freezing the bounty of the harvests. God knew this was important for's part of who I am. He has given me hope each week as I worked to do more with the help of a friend.