A little business first before I dive into today's blog...Even after 9 years of blogging on Blogspot I can't say I understand the formatting. So to get things to format smoother I've moved the "gadgets" around. I'd love for you to subscribe and follow the blog. I promise not to contact you about a new blog more than once a week. And when life gets busier this may go to bi-monthly. There's a spot to subscribe through an email announcement. You'll be able to search for recipes and other topics and at the end of the blog there as there is a listing of some of my older posts from when we were farming full time with our family of 15.
Back on topic...Centering in a Storm...as I'm writing this blog it is litterally blowing a
gale outside our "new" farmhouse! Our 35' tall trees are bending in the wind by my window. I'm not used to the eeiry sounds yet as we've only been here a couple of months. Inside my newly renovated library I'm safe from the torment outside.
There's a different kind of storm raging world wide that no one has escaped. Even with our lil' farm's life going on "as usual" there is a storm in my mind as I read the daily headlines...shortages of food is likened to a nagging storm in my mind, "Do you have enough wheat? You know, your supply of salt is low. And as I'm planting flats of herbs, flowers and vegetables I hear the scream (you've heard the wind "scream" right?) of the wind encouraging me to plant MORE for those who may need it if our food supply dwindles.
At the end of each calander year the Lord gives me a word to focus on in the new year...it's like a year long word study in the Scriptures. It seems His choice of words is always timely. So when he gave me the word, "TRUST" the end of December of this year I questioned Him. Life for us looked encouraging and even exciting compared to the rollar coaster of the past few years! He had just sold our farm in bits and pieces, relieving us from a business debt that had been overwhelming for two years. We finally had signed the papers to sell our home on the last seventeen acres...a new start was ahead! Trust??
I accepted His choice of course as I packed and moved. The the winds of the coming storm weren't detected immediately. You've been there I know. It's been a beautiful day, and suddenly the wind chages direction and there is a slight detection of a change in the air that smells of rain. That was in February...my new house didn't feel like home yet when I heard the whisper in my spirit, "TRUST". "...I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." Hebews 13:5
March was here before I turned around twice with the promise of an early spring. I felt blessed that winter had passed quickly while I was distracted with moving and all the ongoing projects of renovating. I was settled enough now in my makeshift home to pull out the seed catalogs one cozy evening in front of the fireplace. Since we had grown to a small commercial farm I had only looked at the catalogs wistfully for the past ten years or so...so I was thrilled at the names of "old friends" in Baker Creek Seed catalog...Forellenschuss and May Queen lettuce, Pineapple tomato, Marino's Roma tomatoes,Tennessee Red Peanuts for the children's gardens, and of course all the herbs and flowers that were established on our old farm. I eagerly ordered my "old friends", picturing a perfect garden in my mind! I remember being thankful the 50 lb. bags of bean seeds were a thing of the past so we could return to the world of heritage seeds...but out in the world, news brought to light the gathering winds heading our way. Again and again the Spirit of God whispered, "TRUST". I copied "Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I put my trust: cause me to know thy way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee." Psalm 143:8 in my bullet journal and listened for His wisdom.
I found peace when my mind stayed focused on Him. Staying at home when ordered to me was a joy. This is where I was called to serve Christ thirty-nine years ago as a young bride. But the storm brought occasional winds with questions of preparedness for the days and months ahead, and thoughts of safety for my husband each time he left for town to pick up building supplies. "TRUST".."Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not to thine own understanding. In all thine ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths."
This morning as the winds whistle around the corners of our home bending the huge trees outside, a force likened to lightening struck my mind! Did you hear it too? A news report informed us that Russia, North Korea and Iraq were testing our milatary's metal by harassing ships in the Persian Gulf, while two Russian planes were flying within 25 feet of our surveillance planes in International airspace, and North Korea was testing ballistic missiles that could have a major impact on the safety of American allies and the U.S. forces in the region.
I'm a child of the '60's and '70's. I grew up under the threat of nuclear war and the "big brother" threat of the Soviet Union. Their threats, though very real in my childish mind, seemed very far away. But today with the help of the Internet they seemed much closer. I remember when President Reagan signed the papers that put an end to the Cold War and the relief it brought. But with one short article this morning the tempset grew a bit stronger like the storm outside my window...and I clearly heard, "TRUST".
"Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me." Psalm 138:7
I remember reading once that,"the midst of trouble" means to "go on in the center of trouble". In the center, or eye of a storm there is peace...a quiet place from the storm raging about! Because I'm His child I can TRUST that the "center of the storm" is the place He revivies me, not a place where He will "leave me nor forsake me." Hebrews 13:5b
Later in the day...So, what did I do while the storms raged today? I "centered myself" in the eye of the storm, and then I went "on in the center of trouble".
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One of the suppers I made ahead with my sourdough was Pizza Rolls! Oh so yummy! I baked one to test it out, while I tray froze the rest partially risen for an easy meal next week. |
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Charity's sourdough Pretzel Dog dough in the foreground, with my sourdough bread overflowing the bowl in the back. |
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Charity, our youngest at 12 years old made Sourdough Pretzel Dogs for a fun movie night! If you'd like to know how to do any of these things, just ask in the comments below. |
Sprouting a wheat kernal breaks down the proteins and carbohydrates, releasing enzymes that make the sprouted wheat into a low glycemic flour that is easier to digest!. Including your children in on this "lil' experiment" is science in action! Even if you don't dehydrate and grind your grain after it's sprouted, there is still a lot they can learn. The kernals are then soft enough to chew ...and the clincher is they're kind of SWEET! They make a great low carb topping for sandwiches and salads. Try sprouting the farmer's favorite...lentils from the store!
0. Think ahead to how much volume you'll be able to drain easily when determining how much wheat you can sprout at one time. I inherited a super large colunder from my parents that allows me to do a large amount at once. The wheat will swell, so choose an amount that is about half the volume of your colander or come up with another way to easily drain it three times a day. It sprouts quickly, so you'll be done with the sprouting process in about two days.
1. Scoop wheat into a large bowl and cover liberally with water. I used hard white wheat, but hard red wheat works great too. Use the type of wheat you use most often in your baking. Cover the wheat liberally with water and let soak for 12-24 hours, keeping the wheat covered with water.
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2. Drain the water off your soaked wheat into a large colander. Place the colunder over your bowl. (I save the water drained off for watering plants.) Cover with a tea towel. |
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4. I delayed bringing my sprouted wheat to my dehydrater and the sprouts grew bigger than I wanted it to, (see picture in the paragraph above) but soon as you see a little tail emerge from the end of the wheat it is ready for the next step in the process. (Let the kids sprout the tails up to 1/2" long for fun.) I dehydrated mine in a 9 tray Excalibar Dehydrator using just 4 of the trays . I set the temp at less than 100 degrees and left it there overnight. You could also use the pilot light of a gas stove, or the lowest temperature of a convection oven to dry the kernals, but be watchful. |
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5. When the kernals feel light they are dried. I removed them from the dehydrator with a lil' trick I've learned over the years. I slip a doubled grocery store bag over the end of my tray and tilt the dry kernals into the bag. This eliminates a lot of messy handling. I had two loads in my 9-tray dehydrator. To stop the sprouting process of the second batch when I ran out of room I simply put the whole colunder down into our deep freezer after filling the dehydrator the first time. When I switched loads I took the colunder out of the freezer and spread the rather stiff kernals on the trays as before, and dehydrated it all day. (I broke up the frozen chunks a couple hours later when I passed my dehydrator again.) 6. I have a Nutrimill grain mill to grind all our flour. When grinding sprouted wheat kernals though I need to stand there and "help" the dry kernals feed down into the mill. It helps to allow the wheat to feed quicker. Sprouted wheat flour, unlike regular whole wheat is shelf stable and be kept in an airtight container in your pantry! |