
Sunday, April 19, 2015


"For we walk by faith, not by sight:" 
2 Corinthians 5:7

This is the time of year for all farmer's to exercise faith...
*That it WILL stop raining, and the ground will dry out.
*That the seed sown beneath the soil WILL grow into a productive plant.
*That God WILL provide shareholders for their small farm to partner with them, sharing costs.
*That all the pieces to the long winter night's planning sessions WILL come together for a productive growing season.
*That God WILL protect their families with all the traveling they do to deliver food to "their families" in distant cities.
*That bills stacking up quickly WILL be paid by abundant sales.
*That God WILL sustain their strength during the LONG growing season ahead.

We strive to reflect Jesus Christ as a family. We love the Lord Jesus Christ, and seek to serve Him daily. We are walking this road by faith together. Get to know us a bit in my March 31st blog entry.

My Farmer's Wife blog records our walk by faith...the lessons learned...and the blessings He sends daily into our lives. He has called us to be farmers...all 18 of us...with one more on the way! (Our daughter Hope whose family lives on the farm is expecting her third child!)

This week has been a soggy week on the farm. Our
 faith is tested as we slop through the mud to do the daily chores. Our poor laying hens are pitiful looking as they range for the abundant I guess they are happy it's raining! The meat birds are plumping up with all the extra feed the rain sends! God is good to provide just what is needed.

Our markets have begun in earnest now, so we are seeing more of your smiling faces. Your encouragement is priceless, and sends us out into the mud with a purpose!

We're harvesting asparagus by the armload! We're so thankful that our favorite spring vegetable is here. It's a tangible sign of God's awakening of the season.

Eggs are also in an abundance this time of year! We get between 150-230 a day depending on the weather. I've been enjoying poached or fried eggs on a bed of spring greens for breakfast! (I know it sounds odd, but try it! It's a healthful way to start your day.) Come by our market table or buy online HERE to try out mountain grown farm
fresh eggs!

It takes me about 2 1/2 hours daily to wash and pack eggs and bundle asparagus. The increasing workload is also a sign of spring. As I send the asparagus to the walk-in to cool I'm thankful of the tangible signs God sends me daily that He is in control and working on our behalf.


On Caleb's farm we grow our pastured meat chickens and hogs. Our first batch of naturally grown birds of the season have spent their last week in movable pens. Each day the pens are moved to new grass, allowing the birds to eat worms, bugs, and fresh greens. They are fed non-GMO , and non-soy feed to produce a truly healthy meat. Be looking for them at the

markets and HERE. We'll be trying to keep a continual supply throughout the season to meet your needs. Remember slower cooking times make for a more flavorful and healthful meat. 
Another sign of spring.

I'd like to encourage you to subscribe to this blog to walk the path of faith with us this season. I'd like to share every step with you. Spread the word to others that may need the witness of God's loving mercy too. I hope to make the comments section more user friendly so we can all encourage each other.

Well, I must sign off as I'll be making breakfast around 3 a.m. tomorrow. The men will be loading up 320 meat chickens to take to the USDA packing facility to process for sales.

 A farmer's path is one of faith. We can't, but God can!

"Now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen."
Ephesians 3:20

Abundant Blessings,
The Farmer's Wife,

1 comment:

  1. I had one of your wonderful eggs this morning, too! Luke was such a help to me at the market Saturday. What a fine boy. Thanks for all your hard work growing my food.
